Terrace United Methodist Church

Worship Sunday 10:30 AM

Who We Are

We believe in embodying the Greatest Commandment (Loving God... Mark 12:30-32) and the Great Commission (Serving Others... Matthew 28:19-20) through the biblical mandates of sharing the gospel, making disciples and serving others.


Uniquely United Methodist


Being Connectional

In the United Methodist Church, each local congregation is connected to every other congregation. Being connectional allows us to have greater outreach and impact upon the needs of the world


The Book of Discipline

The Book of Discipline is a document that includes what we believe, how we are organized; and the theology (what we think about God) of our denomination. It also offers ways for us to live our faith


Project Management

UMCOR stands for the United Methodist Committee on Relief and is just one of the many ways The United Methodist Church is involved in helping people all over the world. In many cases of disaster, UMCOR is one of the first world organizations to respond to a crisis.


Cross and Flame

The cross and flame form the symbol of The United Methodist Church. The cross reminds us of Christ, who loves us and calls us to serve in his name. The flame represents the coming of the Holy Spirit. It also reminds us of John Wesley’s faith. Having two parts that make up the flame is a reminder of the coming together of two great church traditions-The Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Worship Times

Sunday @ 10:30 AM - Chapel | Sunday School @ 9:15 AM

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