Terrace United Methodist Church

Worship Sunday 10:30 AM

Who We Are

Who We Are


Because we are a people who are motivated by God’s grace, transformed by God’s forgiveness, and empowered by God’s Spirit we believe in the following:

Winning People to Jesus Christ

  • Disciplining them in Faith
  • Helping Those in Need
  • Doing things for Christ that make for a better world
  • Creating a worship Atmosphere where people can come to meet God, to worship God and to be changed by God while being together.
  • Growing in faith is a life long journey
  • Being extravagantly generous with life and love

Rev. Nancy Creason

Pastor Nancy has been in ministry since she received her license to preach in 1989, including 19 years as an elder in full connection. As an ordained minister, Nancy considers the following to be her calling and privilege: proclaiming and interpreting the word of God specifically through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus; providing insights that are relevant to people; preaching sermons that are honest words for thinking people that inform nurture, and challenge; officiating in the celebration of the sacraments in a timely and enlightening manner; providing competent leadership in a congregation’s sense of identity and God’s mission in the world; assisting in sustaining people through predictable and unpredictable crisis; helping to guide people in the principles of Christian living. 

For Nancy, ministry begins at home. She feels if she cannot make a difference there, then what she does with her vocation holds little significance. Ministry to humanity begins with her family. Nancy and her husband, Steve have two children Cooper (9) and Eli (3). Her three goals in life are to be an effective minister, a great wife, and an awesome mom!

EASY AS 1, 2, 3...

Here are a few simple ways to describe how we United Methodists live our Christian faith:

1. We have ONE mission statement: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” It’s biblical.

2. We believe in TWO forms of holiness: personal holiness and social holiness. That is why we United Methodists work to bring individuals to a Christian way of life, but we also work to change our society.

3. We try to live by THREE simple rules: do no harm, do good, stay in love with God. It’s biblical…John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, searched the scripture and formed a concise way of describing our calling as Christians.

4. We believe truth is found by the FOUR sides of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral: Scripture is primary and it is interpreted by Tradition (what the church has taught), Reason, and Experience. We are a Biblical people, and we also see the importance of learning from the Christian teachings of the past, using our minds to think through our faith, and bringing our own experience of God into our understanding.

5. We know our congregations flourish when we engage in the FIVE practices of:

-Radical Hospitality

-Passionate Worship

-Intentional Faith Development

-Risk-Taking Mission and Service

-Extravagant Generosity

There it is…five steps of being faithful United Methodist followers of Jesus Christ. They describe what is unique about being followers of Jesus in the Wesleyan tradition and they are hallmarks of The United Methodist Church.


1. that God is understood in three distinct forms. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are commonly used to refer to the threefold nature of God. Sometimes we use other terms such as Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer;

2. in one God, who created the world and all that is in it. We believe God is sovereign; that is, God is the ruler of the universe. We believe God is loving. We can experience God’s love and grace;

3. Jesus was human. He lived as a man and died when he was crucified. We believe Jesus is divine. He is the Son of God. We believe God raised Jesus from the dead and the risen Christ lives today. We believe Jesus is our Savior. In Christ, we receive abundant life and forgiveness of sins. We believe Jesus is our Lord and we are called to pattern our lives after his;

4. the Holy Spirit is God with us. We believe the Holy Spirit comforts us when we are in need and convicts us when we stray from God. We believe the Holy Spirit awakens us to God’s will and empowers us to live obediently;

5. God created human beings in God’s image. We believe humans can choose to accept or reject a relationship with God. We believe all humans need to be in relationship with God in order to be fully human;

6. the church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today. We believe the mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe the church is “the communion of saints,”—a community made up of all past, present and future disciples of Christ. We believe the church is called to worship God and to support those who participate in its life as they grow in faith;

7. the Bible is God’s Word. We believe the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice. We believe Christians need to know and study the Old Testament and the New Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Scriptures).

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